State of US Transportation Networks under COVID-19

State of US Transportation Networks under COVID-19

Customodal RRD — Updated State of US Transportation Network under COVID-19

Last updated 05.27.20

New this week:

  • By May 20th ALL States had begun lifting closure and other restrictions on businesses, typically as part of a gradual reopening process
  • Keep this link handy should there be a “2nd peak” as a result of opening so that you can keep up to date on state by state closures (should they begin again)
  • Virtually all US Transportation modes…LTL, parcel, full truckload, rail, etc have resumed normal operations and functioning although downsized for lower demand
  • Economic activity is beginning to spin back up as businesses reopen, place supply orders, and the “new normal” of economic activity reasserts itself.  It has been a slow spin-down and will likely take a couple months to spin back up….assuming no “2nd peak” appears.  From what we are hearing from clients, businesses are moving forward prudently….not rushing….as more is learned about the virus daily allowing for incrementally better decision making each day.


Continuing SOP Changes

  • In General, expect carriers, all modes, to continue “no-contact” delivery.  No contact delivery is an easy way for companies and trucking operators to protect employees.  Expect more technology to be deployed over the next year so that signature POD’s don’t come back.
  • Without POD signatures, it is incumbent on the consignee/receiver to make sure the driver notes any possible damage on the delivery receipt.  Digital photos are cheap and easy….make it best practice to forward a photo to us with any damage right away so we can check that the driver noted it for you.
  • Inside delivery and accessorial services that involve personal contact that had been suspended are not gradually returning.  


Regulatory Changes affecting the State of US Transportation Network

  • The Federal regulatory agency for trucking has suspended hours-of-service regulations on trucking engaged in “direct assistance” in response to the virus.  This clearly includes medical supplies and food but was broadened overnight (03.18.20) to include raw materials (ie keep the supply chain open) used to make the products needed in direct assistance.To see what is included in direct assistance use this link and it’s about half-way down.  Expect this exception to be retracted shortly.
  • US-Canada border closed to non-essential (people) travel; but remains open for trade (ie freight) without restrictions.