Don’t Panic About Your Shipping Needs
As we start the final quarter of 2022 there is so much going on in our world!
Fuel/Energy market disruption due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Inflation and stock market upheaval as the Federal Reserve de-leverages, mid-term elections, potential strikes by railroad unions or port workers…I could keep going.
The big picture is important, but there are two things that bring us together:
- The everyday movement of shipments inbound to feed your production
- Outbound to meet your unique marketing promise to customers
At Customodal, we’re committed to being here with you as big picture “stuff” continues to affect your daily needs.
While it’s important to stay up-to-date on current events in the industry, working with a LTL shipping partner like Customodal helps remove that burden from your shoulders. Customodal lets you confidently differentiate what matters versus what is entertainment.
Most of the time, issues that you see in main stream media aren’t the panic-inducing big deal that outlets make them out to be. In this day and age of 24/7 news cycles and ratings battles, it’s easy to get swept up in the narrative. Our advice is to work with a logistics professional when shipping LTL – one that takes time to understand your business – so that they can keep on top of any issues or topics that might actually impact you.
Why panic about something in the headlines that may be an exaggeration or have no impact on your work? Let Customodal be your guide. We provide the tools, resources, and perspective to help you achieve efficiency with your shipping needs. Your goals are to ensure your products get where they need to go in a timely manner while paying a fair price.
Having a professional in your corner is your key to shipping zen. Finding the right LTL freight broker is important, too. If your business already has a shipping staff, that’s ok, too! There is still significant benefit to working with the right LTL broker. Learn more about what sets Customodal apart – click here.